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Tuesday 2 November 2010

The vintage look!!

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This look is utterly vintage. i know not every one will be rushing to get a similar outfit but in case you are tempted, a few pointers to aid you:
1. Do not go over board. that is a mistake that most people make. A good rule of thumb (for our dear over doers..) is to give yourself a good look in the mirror and take off one item. it could be that scarf your grand mother left for you, or that bracelet your first boy friend gave you, or those over the top earnings that you think define you.
2. Stick to earth tones. For a classic vintage look keep the colours toned down. defy this and you end up looking like a hippie.. unless that's the look you are going for.
3. Gloves gloves gloves.. this look would not be complete without a good pair of gloves. note: if your are aching for a splash of colour then this is where indulge. a pair pf maroon gloves would definitely jazz this look up..
4. Do not forget to hold your head up. nothing adds to a look than confidence. Now go stun them.

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