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Saturday 1 August 2009

A Guide To Going Pins-Free

I'm guessing that the average hijabi will use 2 pins to keep her hijab from flying away in the wind: one straight pin (I haaaate these pins, they never stay put..) and one of the clippy ones that goes by the neck, under the chin. Well, if you get sick of these metal nightmares making tiny holes in your beautiful scarves or just want a comfy alternative that stays put, here are some of your options:

The (infamous) Al-Amira:

OK, so most of you hate the clingy feeling of the Al-Amira hijab and admittedly it doesn't suit all face shapes, but it has it's advantages. Firstly, it's 100% pins free and will not budge for love nor money making it fantastic for travelling (you won't set of the metal detectors at the airport either!) Secondly, I don't think there's a colour under the sun you can't get these in and you can mix and match the under caps too :D and lastly, they won't break the bank.

For anyone who doesn't actually know what an Al-Amira hijab is, it basically comprises 2 pieces: a small elastic under cap and a long, tube-like piece that slips over your head and rests behind the under cap. These are available in most, in not all, online hijab shops with some lovely ones available from the Hijab Store Online.

Overall rating: 7/10

The Mona and Kuwaiti Hijabs:

This option is my favorite as they're so pretty :D unfortunately, unless you don't move your head very much, you will probably need to use a straight pin to secure it in place. The Mona and Kuwaiti hijabs are very similar, in fact you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference if you hadn't worn them. They differ by the place the scarf is attached to the under cap and Kuwaiti hijabs tend to be more readily available online. You can also get them both at the hijab store online which also explains the difference between the two in more detail.

Overall rating: 8/10
The Turban:

The obvious disadvantage with this style is that it does not provide neck coverage but you could get round this problem, in the winter, with a neck scarf. There is a wide selection of these available cheaply at 2hijab. Another disadvantage would be that it's quite difficult to fit all of your hair in without any peeping out, so in conclusion I would say using this as an under cap would be a wiser choice.

Overall rating: 3/10
The Velcro Hijab..coming soon:
Hallelujah! Finally somebodies decided to make a Velcro hijab :D I have wanted someone to design one for aaaages and was so excited to see that the Hijab Store Online will be stocking some soon, Insha'Allah. It's seems like the long awaited answer to every hijabis pin woes :P however it looks like it will still need a straight pin to keep it in place. I'll keep checking the site and tell you when they put them up but in the mean time, click here then scroll down to the bottom of the page to "Velcro Hijab" where they show you how to put it on.

Overall (guess) rating: 8/10
Hope this helps :D

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