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Monday 20 October 2008

Rules and Regulations of Hijab

So recently, a man commented on one of my posts telling me how much he did not approve of my blogging on hijab fashion. It's a apparent that he feels strongly about the hijab, and as much as I love to read comments I would have appreciated it if he put it a little kinder, so as not to say that I "should be punished for the sake of allah". Firstly, I'm pretty sure allah doesn't want you to talk to sisters like that.
Secondly, I do post modest fashion. I do not include skinny jeans or anything that shows the shapes in a woman's body - her curves, etc. I just created this blog to help hijabis out with their fashion needs in a halal way. Fashion is a hobby of mine, and so I created this blog to present my fashion findings and how to hijabify them for myself and others around the world.

The hijab's main point is to promote MODESTY- and that's what my blog is, it's modest fashion. Whenever I post something that's controversial, I do put a little disclaimer, but you can't just look at photos and not read my comments on what I post. You MUST read them both to get the full dose. I do know that there are many muslims who don't like what I'm blogging about, but I keep it quite modest thank you very much. I do apologize if I offended you in any way, but that does not mean i'm going to quit blogging.

This is what I don't like about some people, when they hear fashion, red lights flash in their heads and they want to stay as far away as possible from it screaming 'danger danger' and 'haraam'. You think fashion and islam can't go hand in hand? Check your definition on fashion. I'm not talking about teenage trends - skinny jeans, baby tees, and clingy jumpers, I'm talking high fashion - what's on the runway - How do we make it work our way?

You said that because i'm promoting the patterns etc, i'm taking god's role.
Fashion is an art. Do you think that when the islamic empires built beautiful buildings and created architechture that because they created something beautiful they were taking place of god?

Allah gave us minds to use them, and to create and to inspire, to think, to educate. However, ladies, don't spend all your time on one thing. Allah created everything with a balance - our bodies, the universe, ecosystems, etc. And He wants us to live our lives with balance as well. Don't spend too much time on one thing, especially not on how you look, and what you're wearing. Our minds were created to do the above and so much more, but don't waste your beautiful minds on this one thing.

And although I disagree with you, I do understand where you're coming from, I just hope you would be a little more understanding of where I am coming from. If you do really think that I am doing something that displeases allah, please, contact me, but don't treat me like I don't know what I'm talking about, that I don't know anything about my religion or that I don't read the Quran. Please be a little more considerate and sincere.

Here's a vid on a sister talking about Hijab fashion and the rules of Hijab

What is hijab:

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